
Who Am I...

It's pretty funny how every time I get asked this I have trouble giving an answer.

I guess I could tell you that I have been designing interfaces since before the mobile boom. Or maybe I could tell you that I was invited to Apple's headquarters in Cupertino because they loved the work I was doing on the iphone. Oh I know what to tell you, I had the honor of meeting the late and great Steve Jobs, well not really meet per say, but he was sitting with John Ives 2 feet away from me, but I was told to not be a fanboy… Maybe I should go back even further. I have been designing websites, logos, collateral, brochures, etc... since 1996.

But these are all things I have done, they have nothing really to do with who I am… Or do they?

I'm an interface designer, I absolutely love to make complex things understandable for everyone, it's not just what I do, it's what I'm passionate about, it's what I love, it's who I am...